Friday, 20 September 2013

Group 8: Brighton Reccie

Where did we go and what were our aims?
  • We went to Brighton to film some location reccie and get an idea of what potential locations we could use for a production of a music video. We used a variety of locations for example Brighton Pier and the Lanes where we took multiple shots and different angles.
  •  Our aims were to practise and get an idea of what type of shots we could use in our final production. 
  • The benefits to us of doing a location reccie was that we could get an idea of how many shots we would need to take and making sure we had enough footage with a wide range of angles. Take a lot more footage, with a variety of angles and distances. Efficient shooting; trying to use the practice shots and visualize them in the final production. Considering the background and analysing the frame more, such as composition, etc. Planning your time more effectively and being more intuitive when filming. Using the urban location and get a variety of area, which can create a wide variety of mise en scenes. Understood how to create the perfect shots effectively.

What did you achieve?
  • We returned to school with over 65 different shots and takes from our location reccie, immediately this told us we had many shots that we can work with. 
  • We took a variety of different shots, for example: left to right eye line pan and vice versa; time lapse shots (fast and slow); bird's eye view shots and low angle (worm's eye view). 
  • Extreme Long shots, Long shots, Mid shots, Close ups and Extreme Close ups were also part of the repertoire that we created when in Brighton. Furthermore Handi-cam was used to help created a freer flowing look to our location reccie production.

What were the problems/obstacles that you encountered when filming?
  • One of the initial problems when filming was the weather, this is because our music concepts revolves around a boy transporting to a parallel reality (dream world) and this parallel reality needs to seem as if it's a shelter for the boy. In doing this we wanted it to be sunny, and despite potentially using lighting effects to manipulate the weather we wanted it to be natural.
  • Another problem when filming was that in the majority of areas we were unauthorised, and therefore had to ask the shop keepers, or people involved in the footage. However several musicians allowed us to film them, we assumed it was a method of promotion.
  • Finally an obstacle we found when filming was the camera, as when filming our AS production we used a higher quality camera, which obviously would create higher definition footage. In some cases using the lower quality camera meant our panning shots and zooms were lagging and didn't seem smooth as we would have liked.
What did you learn that you can take to your own location reccies?

  • I think by having done several location reccies we have realised, ways in which we can efficiently film. For example when filming a shot we have decided to do 5 different takes (which will have slight differences in angles; distances; compositions; etc), this means when editing we won't be limited by the one shot we have.
  • As well as this we understood by being in Brighton we had a variety of different mise en scenes in one location. Therefore we utilised the diversity of Brighton and got a wide range of shots, which should mean we have a visually interesting piece.

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