Friday 29 November 2013

Group 8: Editing Development

  • Over the last several days, I have taken the role of editor. On the 26th of November I aimed to link all the footage with the sound. Meaning when there's  a change in the tempo of the music, the cutting rate and speed of shot mirrors this.
  • As well as this, I have colour washed all the clips of the house scene in order to make it look a melancholy place. However I only used the effects on Premiere and aim to use After Effects in order to completely colour wash all shots, and potentially use the colour wash as a transition.
  • Furthemore on the 28th of November, we looked at the domestic violence scene. After analysing it several times, we altered the arrangement of the shots and looked to time lapse and slow down some shots in order to make them more emotional and deliver more structuralisation
  • With this video being aimed at a target audience of positive technological determinists, we feel as a group that we need to perfect the domestic violence scene. In order to make it serious and moving, rather than a comical sequence.
  • Finally, making the video as smooth as possible is hard. This is because we are not using a fabula, and this may cause narrative fuzz. As well as this we are trying to follow the meta-narrative and conventions of Bastille, which is often authenticity

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